Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Adventures in a Familiar Land, II

What's up, my south american droogs? I'm in good old Colorado right now, and since american keyboards don't have brazilian acentos and crap, I've decided to post in english for the time being, at least until I can find a computer that does. It's about 11:30 at night right now, and since all you boring-ass people go to sleep before that during your vacation, I have nothing better to do than work on this blog. So, I'll tell you all what I did in these four days that I've been in the capital of the world.

Friday, 16th of July

I'm not going to bore you guys with comments about my flight in, because it was really boring and I would just end up complaining about Continental Airlines the whole time. So, I'll just start in the first day we spent in NYC.

We woke up at a normal time, 10ish, and decided to just walk around. We turned the corner and literally ran into the place where The Late Show with David Letterman is recorded. We even took a picture of it, and it was really surprising because we hadn't even spent fifteen minutes in this city, and already we had found something famous. Not only that, Times Square was right in front of us. Of course, we walked on up and my mom decided to look for cheap tickets to Broadway musicals, and she didn't find any. So, we decided to go in the opposite direction and visit Central Park.

Yay, Central Park. This is one large park, let me tell you. It's one of the largest urban parks in the world, if not THE largest urban park (I don't know if the Aterro is larger or not), and it certainly feels like it. Walking inside, you literally forget that you're surrounded by one of the busiest and most chaotic cities on the planet. What you don't forget is that you're also in one of the most famous american landmarks, where countless movies and series are recorded, and that feels pretty cool. We only had lunch there the first day, we'll come back to CP later.

After lunch, we just walked around some more, and decided to go the movies. I'll just remind you all that we walked around ALOT, so whenever I say 'we walked around for a bit' that walking around takes a few hours. We bought tickets to see a new little cult movie called "The Kids Are All Right", and guess what, it was fucking awesome. After that, we bought some crap at the supermarket and retired back to our dingy hotel, where I tried to use the computer, and instantly regretted it. Man, was that a sucky PC. I vowed to stay away from it for the remainder of our time in New York.

Saturday, 17th of July

Man, was it hard waking up on Saturday. I had weird dreams all night long (probably because of my not-so-healthy american diet) and I was still really tired from our flight. But, eventually I did wake up, and we then set off to do one of the things every tourist has to do when he (or she) is in New York: go to the top of the Empire State Building and have a good old look around. So, we walked and walked, but the goddamn building stayed far away. I'll tell you why: it's a big fucking building. While we walked, we passed a whole bunch of souvenir stores, and inside one of them a HERD of brazilian girls walked by us, all 15 and 16-year olds. They were the first, and certainly not the last brazilian people we would find.

Eventually we did get to the Empire State Building, and went to the 86th floor, where the observation deck is. The whole building has 102 floors, and the elevator went up to the 86th in about 20 seconds. That is one fast elevator. Up there we looked around, I looked around and not only saw the city, but a whole bunch of hot chicks. It was a bunch of fun, we could see just about everything from up there.

After we got bored, we went to Wendy's, which is the best fast-food restaurant, BY FAR. After that we decided to go to B&H, a famous electronics store, that is run by Orthodox Jews. Literally, only Orthodox Jews work there. We went to look for Wii's, but they don't sell video games at B&H, apparently. So we left, very disappointed, and went to look at movie times. I wanted to see Inception in IMAX, but it was all sold out so we bought tickets for the next day. We went out to dinner and then retired.

Sunday, 18th of July

Well, Sunday was a fun day. We woke up early, and went to the American Museum of Natural History, yaaaay. I love museums, and the AMNH has some of the oldest and best dinosaur and animal exhibits on the planet. Needless to say, I enjoyed it alot. We had lunch there and then decided to walk on down to the Village. Whoever watches Friends knows about the Village, and let me just say something: they don't really give you an idea about what the Village is really like. I'll TELL you what the Village is like: gay. Man, are there bucketloads of gay people here. Not just gay people, artistic and alternative types rule the streets. We stayed there for awhile, but it got tiring after awhile.

So, we decided to hop on the NY Subway for the first time. The NYC Metro system is one of the oldest metro systems in the world, and it looks & feels like it, too. The walls are still tile and marble, and the tunnels smell like oil and steam. The whole system is enormous, there are endless levels and endless train lines that crisscross the whole city, it's amazing.

We hopped out close to the movie theatre we went to on Saturday, and had fun mexican food wh ile we waited for our movie to start. Of course, we got there late and had to sit IN FRONT, which is just torture when you watch an IMAX movie. For those of you that don't know, IMAX screens are huge. Just huge. They block out your whole view, you don't see anything but screen. It's pretty impressive. Inception (A Origem) is really awesome, by the way. After the movie we just went home, and collapsed on our beds.

Monday, 19th of July

Monday was great. Possibly the best day of our stay in NYC. What did we do? Rent bicycles and ride around Central Park. I decided to ride around ALL of Central Park, just to see how far it was. And how far is it, you ask? Not too far. I went all the way around in half an hour, so I decided to go around two more times. =D

Eventually, I stopped to have lunch and watch the world go by. That was about it, after giving the bikes back we walked around all day.


Well, that was it. On Tuesday I slept until it was time to go to the airport, and after a few boring flights, we got to Colorado, and here I am. I'll post photos and videos, and from now on, I'll post every day.

Love you guys =D



P.S. Bi, por alguma razao eu nao consigo botar os videos aqui direto. Vou postar os links, e vou ver se consigo resolver esse problema amanha.



  1. VIDEO 1:

    Bagage Claim nao sei em portugues tambem, mas acho lindo essa areazinha só pra isso. Lá em ATL depois de pegar um metrozinho ele de deixava lindamente neste lugar.

    Manda OOOOOOI aí para seus pais, eles são tão fofos. Pena que o convite chegou com Delay se nao eu ia rs...

    Fiquei preocupada quando voce disse que sua mala sumiu, imagina vc comprando roupa sozinho?!

    Aposto que vc ficou louuco pra ir ver MAMMA MIA! rs.

  2. VIDEO 2:
    Esse negocio no começo do video agudo é aquela coisinha de bicicleta? tipo uma buzina\gizo? rs.

    Ah by the way, dá pra ouvir razoavelmente bem, até agora, em todos os videos.

    A japinha era bonitinha... VITIIIMAS? rs, adorei. achei otimo o espanto do seu pai, detalhe.

    Sua mae trabalhava onde em NY?

  3. VIDEO 3:
    Bairro joao felipe! SHAISHushIUHSushUHSushA

    voce tá errado de novo rs, na Liberdade em SP, um bairro tpico Chines voce encontra os dois pratos.

    PC siqueira! se amarro ne?!

    E eu tolinha ainda achava que dava pra entrar na estatua! rs, deixa quieto.

  4. VIDEO 4:
    Nao preciso comentar que a musica de fundo é tristemente ruim ne?
    rs. achei q vc fosse comentar.

    Nao consigo ver seus pais sem dar um sorrisinho.
    UH! Lembrei! sua barba tá ficando (Y) ótima. Nao inventa de ir no exercito mais nao.

    Detalhe do desvio da camera para "possivel vitima" rs.

    ¬¬ prova!

    PIPOCAO! bizarro, sua mae parece uma criancinha. O tamanho é pra ser proporcional a tela do cinema HAHAHA.

  5. VIDEO 5:
    OH NO! vc tirou a barba.

    nao tinha patos.

    O maior parque urbano do mundo é em Brasilia. O Parque da Cidade se eu nao me engano... E o central park é maior do que o aterro.

    acho que minha opiniao sobre a barba ficou clara no ultimo comentario e no começo deste rs. maaaas, nao sei...

    VOu esperar os outros.
    Tenho que ir, to atrasada, tenho aula de direcao hoje até tarde depois vou comer SUSHIII!! SASHIMIII! comidas que voces odeeeia, urul.

    te amo.
